
The Filmstacker community is comprised of members we call ‘crew’, as in a film crew. 

Collaborate with other filmmakers in the Fimstacker community, collectively building on what everyone makes. 

Crews work together to support one another in making quality videos. There are 3 distinct roles:  

  • Owners own and oversee each project. 
  • Producers help by inviting crew and vetting clips uploaded and Stacks made. 
  • Crew upload and make Stacks. 

Both Owners and Producers are responsible that the content in their project does not violate our Community Rules. Choose your producers and crew wisely and please monitor what they make and share. 

Build a film crew by inviting others to join you in your projects, working together to vet the films for quality and accuracy. 

Learn how to Manage Crew. 

How to Invite Crew ]  


    Getting Started

    Learn the basics of utilizing Filmstacker to make short films and manage a film crew.

    Filmstacker Tips

    Pro tips and best practices for making a film straight from a professional filmmaker. 

    Knowledge Base

    Find answers to your community and privacy questions.