Community story telling at music, film, and conference events

Music festivals, film festivals, and conferences are events that can be more dynamic if the community could engage with each other and the artists by sharing their experiences, feedback, and behind the scenes footage as video stories. 

  • Sign up for a Filmstacker Event. 
  • Invite the musicians, filmmakers, and conference speakers as crew and ask them to upload behind the scenes footage to engage the community.  
  • Update project settings to sponsor the community with free uploads. Turn moderation on if content is needs to be vetted or leave it “live” for real time sharing. 
  • Create a QR code and URL that allows anyone at the event to join as crew. 
  • Attendees can upload personal content, interact with stories contributed from others, make and share community Filmstacks as a fresh way to participate in the festival.  

    Getting Started

    Learn the basics of utilizing Filmstacker to make short films and manage a film crew.

    Filmstacker Tips

    Pro tips and best practices for making a film straight from a professional filmmaker. 

    Knowledge Base

    Find answers to your community and privacy questions.